lunes, 24 de septiembre de 2007


Joan and Herb Lashinsky reunited in 1979. Joan wanted to maintain their relationship, but he died unexpectedly. In 1982, Joan was diagnosed with breast cancer and was given only a few months to live. Because of her stubborn attitude, Joan brushed off the doctors warnings and continued living as she pleased. This prompted her to write her memoir, which she worked on until she passed away in 1990. The novel focuses on her relationship with Herb Lashinsky, as well as her introduction to Bill Cannastra and the disastrous breakup between her and Jack Kerouac.

Joan y Herb Lashinsky se rencontraron en 1979. Joan quería seguir la relación, pero Herb murió de repente. En 1982 A Joan le diagnosticaron cancer de mama y le dieron pocos meses de vida. Debido a su obstinada actitud, Joan hizo caso omiso de los consejos de los doctores y continuó viviendo como le gustaba. Esto le empujo a escribir sus memorias, en las que trabajó hasta que falleció en 1990. La novela se centra en su relación con Herb Lashinsky, y su afer con Bill Cannastra y su desastrosa ruptura entre Jack Kerouac y ella.
Written by Elisabeth Massie

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